Dr. Soy Rasy, Cambodia
M.Sc. Program in Dentistry (Restorative Dentistry)
Class of 2016
Current Position: Head of Discipline of Restorative Dentistry at Faculty of Dentistry, University of Puthisastra, Cambodia
I was accepted to restorative dentistry department, faculty of dentistry, KKU in 2014 and I am now working as a head of discipline of restorative dentistry, faculty of dentistry, University of Puthisastra in Cambodia. Faculty of Dentistry, KKU, is the only one university where endodontic and operative dentistry specialty are provided in program of restorative dentistry. Through the program, I was be able to update my knowledge and clinical skill regarding to restorative dentistry with comprehensive lectures, clinical sessions and research. There were many interesting science, concepts and clinical techniques to explore. My lecturers graduated from different universities in Europe and Thailand, so I am delight to have chance to learn different concepts from them.
Moreover, faculty staffs are so friendly and provide me a lot of assistant during my time. Finally, I am grateful to be able to share the knowledge to dental students and to improve dentistry in my home country. Also, it is important that I can help my patient confidently related to my skill.